Saturday, October 25, 2008


Since moving to Los Angeles a couple months ago, I have yet to find a blog that keeps folks up to date on the kind of musical happenings I like to be a part of. Sure I've found multiple blogs devoted to generating buzz for the droves of mediocre, fame-seeking indie pop bands that populate the city, but not one that functions for the city's weirdos – the artists and musicians working only to satisfy their innate desire to produce sounds with less pretense and fewer contexts. In the city that was once home to the Los Angeles Free Music Society and currently acts as the headquarters for Not Not Fun Records, a site needs to exist that promotes and documents what I would consider a pretty damn decent time for new music. I’m not sure if I’m qualified for the job, but I’m willing to take a stab at it.First and foremost, the site will act as a database for fringe artists’ upcoming shows, releases and news. In its infancy, the emphasis will be local, but I also hope to cover national acts, certainly national acts that make their way to LA. We’ll see where the process takes it from there.

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